
Our traditional worship service follows a Presbyterian liturgy, including singing hymns and songs, a Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession, Offering, and readings from the Old and New Testament. Central to worship is the sermon, which takes the interpreted word of God and helps listeners relate to concerns of the week, world and life in community.

The sermon is a way to begin a conversation and help members get closer to God, self and neighbor. Our worship service starts at 10:00 a.m. and lasts about an hour. Our music is mostly traditional, including both classic and newer hymns and choral anthems.

There are worship services on special events that fall on days other than Sunday:

  • Ash Wednesday
  • Maundy Thursday
  • Good Friday
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
  • Christmas Day

Lenten Suppers on Wednesdays during Lent in Fellowship Hall, include fellowship, a sacrificial soup supper, and brief worship.

We, along with the other churches in the village, provide worship services to the nursing home and care facility residents in the village.

To help all gather as the body of Christ in community, we are handicap accessible, and wheelchairs are available in the Narthex. We have large-print pew bibles; large-print hymnals and hearing enhancement devices are also available.

Music is important to our worship. The choirs rehearse in the Choir Room every Wednesday.


Other growth and learning opportunities are offered on occasion and are highlighted in the weekly newsletter. If none of these offerings are of interest to you, please let us know.

We have a Christian Education class that meet on Sundays at 9:00 am in Classroom C.

The Presbyterian Women (PW) offer an opportunity for fellowship and study in groups using the Horizon Bible Study. The Bible Study Group meets the second Thursday of the month in the Fellowship Hall. Activities of the PW are open to all members of the church.

Website Ministry — Visit www.pcbv.org to see the church website. The Church keeps this communications tool up-to-date with entries regarding the events calendar, live streaming, service bulletins, and more.

Along with these, there are many opportunities for study offered by the Presbytery, the Synod and the General Assembly. Presbyterian conference centers across the country offer a wide variety of opportunities. Our own Presbytery Camp and Conference Center is called Ferncliff and is located near Little Rock.

Our congregation serves our community in caring for our members and friends.

We provide fellowship for all our members and guests at coffee hour following Sunday morning worship.

The congregation is divided into 5 Shepherd Groups. These groups meet for fellowship and activities as well as provide another opportunity for members to express and experience Christ’s love and care.

Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista