
The ministries and operations of Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista rely solely on the faithful giving of our members and friends. All that we have has been entrusted to us by God and we are simply stewards or caretakers, using our time, talent and treasure on behalf of God’s work on the earth.

Your contributions sustain the church’s ministries, our outreach, and the operation and maintenance of our church home. We are not a large church, but the generosity of the members that make up the PCBV family enables us to do amazing things across our community.

Thank you for your generosity! Your prayers and financial support help us to continue our ministry.

You may also send a check to our address:

1880 Forest Hills Blvd
Bella Vista, AR 72715


Each year in October, members and friends are invited to make a pledge (estimate of giving) for the coming program year . Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). Making a pledge is a spiritual discipline in which we intentionally and prayerfully consider how we use our financial resources. The Session of our church determines our ministry priorities and sets the annual budget based on the pledged commitments offered by the congregation.

We are grateful for every person who is able to contribute to our shared mission and ministry. If you would like to make a financial commitment or gift to the church, please contact us.

Your pledge matters – make a pledge now!

Planned Gift

What is a Planned Gift?

Charitable Gift Annuities provide income to the donor during their lifetime. Charitable Remainder Trusts provide income to the donor with the remainder of the gift going to the church upon the death of the beneficiary.
  • Life Insurance policies
  • Direct bequest of cash or assets
  • Percentage of your total estate
Appreciated stock (allows the donor to avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation and still derive the full benefit of a tax deduction on the market value of the gift.)

Legacy Giving – Gifts for the Future

Making a planned gift is not just for those who have great wealth or financial expertise, but for anyone with a generous spirit who desires to designate their giving while they are still living. As members and friends of Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista, we share a deep sense of gratitude for those who have gone before us. They gave gifts not only to fund current needs, but gifts that continue to support vital PCBV ministries to this day and beyond.

Real Estate or Personal Property

We urge donors to work closely with their financial advisers to determine the most advantageous estate plan for their particular situation.

Why Consider a Planned Gift?

Your legacy gifts ensure the continued vitality of Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista from one generation to the next. While a planned gift brings the giver a sense of joy and fulfillment, it may also profit financial benefits to the donor, including tax savings, reduced capital gains and estate taxes, and release from financial management.

How Does PCBV Use Legacy Gifts?

Some donors elect to designate their giving to a particular area or project within the church’s larger ministry. Most give toward the general PCBV Endowment Fund, which allows the Session the flexibility of using the fund’s income for the church’s most pressing concerns. While not strictly an endowment, PCBV’s Session seeks to use Fund income rather than principal to supplement the church’s annual budgetary needs.

Make Qualified Distributions from your IRAs

Presbyterians can support the church with a gift from their IRA (if they meet the qualifications). Qualified charitable distributions from Individual Retirement Accounts may offer tax advantages. Donors must be 70.5 or older to qualify.

Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista