Visitors & Join

Who We Are

The Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista is a warm and welcoming faith community which seeks to reach out to provide God’s love to our neighbors, near and far. Our members come from varied denominations: Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian, Baptist, Catholic, and non-denominational.

Our Mission Statement

With the continued guidance of the Holy Spirit, and following the instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ, we preach and teach the Good News. Our community of faith, with God’s help, strives to be accepting of all of God’s children. We commit to providing programs that will reflect our changing world with the focus on God’s abiding love.

What Does it Mean to be Presbyterian?

Presbyterians are distinctive in two major ways. We adhere to a pattern of religious thought known as Reformed theology and a form of government that stresses the active, representational leadership of both ministers and church members.

The Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista is part of the Presbytery of Arkansas and the Synod of the Sun.

Here are some helpful things to know when you visit the Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista:

Our Worship Service

Our traditional worship service follows a Presbyterian liturgy, including singing hymns and songs, a Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession, Offering, and readings from the Old and New Testament. Central to worship is the sermon, which takes the interpreted word of God and helps listeners relate to concerns of the week, world and life in community. The sermon is a way to begin a conversation and help members get closer to God, self and neighbor. Our worship service starts at 10:00 a.m. and lasts about an hour. Our music is mostly traditional, including both classic and newer hymns and choral anthems.

Visitor’s Q&A.

We are so glad that you are going to visit us for the first time! You may have a few questions so we invite you to read our Visitor’s Q&A.


Dress however you feel most comfortable. On any given Sunday, you will find people in suits, dresses, business casual attire, golf shirts, and jeans. Whatever you choose to wear, you won’t feel out of place here.


Plan to arrive between 9:40 and 9:55. Our service begins at 10:00. Children of any age are always welcome in the sanctuary. A child care attendant and church volunteer are available in our child care room during the service. For older children, activity bags are available at the Welcome Desk.


Parking is available on both sides of the left driveway along the woods and the Memorial Garden. There is a large parking lot at the rear, near the Fellowship Hall entrance. Handicapped parking spaces are available to the right as you first enter the driveway along the office wing and at the Fellowship Hall entrance. We also have a portico under the steeple where you may drop off passengers before parking.


Greeters will be standing by the main entry doors at the portico to welcome you. Visit our Welcome Desk to pick up information about our church and activities. Ushers are stationed at the three entrances to the sanctuary to hand you a bulletin and answer any questions you have about our church and worship service. Expect a welcome that is just the right amount of friendliness and warmth.

We have a time for introductions and announcements at the end of our service. If you would like to be introduced, please let the Welcome Desk greeter know. You’re also welcome to introduce yourself or not at all. It’s completely up to you. We want you to feel welcomed, not intimidated. Following the service, we have coffee, tea, juice, and cookies in Fellowship Hall. This is a great way to meet our pastor and church members in a relaxed and casual setting.

How To Join

After your visit, if you believe you would enjoy being a member with us, there are several ways to make your intentions known:
  • Make note of that on the Friendship Pad as it is passed during worship.
  • Speak to our pastor after the service.
  • Call the church office at 855.2390 or stop by the church office to speak with our pastor.
Membership is open to all who wish to join with us in this community of faith. This may be done in one of the following ways:
  • Letter of Transfer from another Christian church at the time of transfer.
  • Reaffirmation of faith for those previously baptized but with no current church affiliation.
  • Public profession of faith after examination by the session, and if not already baptized leading to baptism.
  • Associate membership which allows retaining primary active membership in a permanent home church while participating in the life of this church. (Excludes voting and holding office.)
Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista