Sunday Adult Bible Class
The Sunday Adult Bible class meets in classroom A at 9:00 -9:40 A.M.
Materials are provided and visitors are welcome.
Bella Vista Memorial Garden
The Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista is one of eleven owning churches of the Bella Vista Memorial Garden, a non-profit cemetery started in 1984 which serves the needs of Bella Vista and our surrounding area.
Each church sends two representatives to serve on the Cemetery Association Board for three-year terms. These volunteer directors take the complete responsibility for the care, growth and operation of the cemetery.
Our church financially supports this endeavor with yearly donations.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care includes visits to nursing homes, hospitals, and homes of our members, working in collaboration with the Deacons, who reach out to our members in need and visit them regularly. Each month communion is shared to our home bound members as we extend the table of our Lord after the worship service. In conjunction with other churches in Bella Vista, we provide Communion to residents of Concordia Nursing Home.
Presbyterian Veterans Council
The Presbyterian Veterans Council (PVC) was approved by the Session in February, 2005. Interested Veterans are urged to become members. The initial goals are to provide fellowship and an opportunity to honor Veterans. We provide support and encouragement to our future Veterans, now serving overseas.
Helping Hands
Monthly nonperishable food item collection by congregation, Bi-annual workdays at facility and preparing Thanksgiving Boxes in November, and collecting leftover soup during Lenten Soup Suppers.
- Help single mothers and their children move from crisis to self-sufficiency.
- Long term crisis shelter for women and children.
- Sunday school children prepare personnel item packets.
Sunday school children prepare snack packs yearly from the funds collected on Souper Bowl Sunday.
Collect school supplies each fall, buy Christmas gifts for the needy families and volunteer to aid teachers and help with school fund raising.
PCBV and other area churches support Care & Share of Gravette which offers aid and assistance to individuals in need of financial, moral and spiritual support in emergency situations through their cooperative efforts to meet and satisfy these needs and to promote and improve the well-being of all who live, work and visit in the Gravette School District.
The members of the Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista are actively involved in mission in a number of areas. We have ongoing collections for Helping Hands. There are special offerings for One Great Hour of Sharing, Peacemaking, Joy, and Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Family Services Home, all connected with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
We support our missionaries in the Congo, Larry and Inge Sthreshley. Both Larry and Inge were born in the Belgian Congo. Inge’s parents were Methodist missionaries and Larry’s were Presbyterian missionaries. One of the current projects is Inge’s garden program where vegetable gardens have been started in some of the unpaved slums of Kinshasa (the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo).
These garden projects help alleviate the hunger problem, particularly with a money shortage and the logistics of getting the produce to the city. Larry works with partner churches and organizations to help them develop their capacity and technical approach to do health ministry in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan. This has enabled the partners to run large internationally funded health programs that greatly impacted health in these countries. Larry says his goal is to help the church “effectively demonstrate the love of Christ through health ministry”.
Other Efforts
- We provide $2000 scholarships to University of the Ozarks in Clarksville, Arkansas; Lyon College in Batesville, Arkansas.
- We provide, $2000, yearly support to the University of Arkansas United Campus Ministry, which provides ministry to the students, faculty and staff.
- Volunteers join in the annual Bike Marathon.
- Mission Disaster Aid. Our congregation supports local and national disasters through the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program.